Studio Menu Bar

This section contains information on the Studio Menu Bar functionality. The menu bar is a horizontal bar located at the top of the IMAGIMOB Studio window. The menus and menu items are available based on the file type that is open in Studio.

The menu bar consists of the following menus:

File Menu

The File menu contains operations, such as create new files, projects, open workspace, and close file that allows you to manage different files and directories in Studio.

The menu options are described in the table below:

Menu Option           Shortcut Key        Description
New FileCtrl + NOpen the New File window where you can create a new file.
Studio supports the following file types:
- Generic files, such as text, markdown, session
- Code files such as python, C#
New ProjectCtrl + Shift + NOpen the New Project window where you select the type of project. To know more, refer to Creating a project.
Open FileCtrl + OOpen an existing file.
Open WorkspaceCtrl + Shift + OOpen an existing workspace.
Close-Close the active window in Studio.
Save AllDelSaves all the open windows in Studio.
PrintCtrl + Shift + SPrint files in Studio.
Print PreviewCtrl + F2Preview the file before printing.
Open Recent File-Open the recent files you worked with previously.
Open Recent Workspace-Open the recent workspace you worked with previously.
ExitAlt + F4Close Studio.

Edit Menu

The Edit menu contains operations, such as Undo, Redo, Cut, Copy, Paste, Delete and Select All that allows you to perform editing functions in Studio.

The menu options are described in the table below:

Menu Option           Shortcut Key        Description
UndoCtrl + ZReverse the last action you executed in Studio.
RedoCtrl + YReverse the Undo operation you executed in Studio.
CutCtrl + XCopy and delete the selected element.
CopyCtrl + CCopy the selected element.
PasteCtrl + PPaste the selected element at the insertion point in Studio.
DeleteDelDelete the selected element.
Select AllCtrl + ASelect all the elements in an active window in Studio.

View Menu

The View menu contains the six window panels, such as Event logo, History, Properties, Solution Explorer, Find & Replace, Find Results and Error list. You can float, dock, dock as document, auto-hide, and close these panels, whenever required. Once closed, these panels can be re-opened from the View menu.

The menu options are described in the table below:

Menu Option           Shortcut Key        Description
Event log-Open the event viewer to view the logs when an event occurs. The event viewer displays the following message types - Information, Warning, and Error.
History-Display the operations performed on labels in a session file. You can use the Undo or Redo actions in the History panel, whenever needed.
Properties-Open the property window to set different properties for the selected tracks.
Solution Explorer-Open the solution explorer to navigate the files and directories in the workspace.
Find & Replace-Open Find & Replace window to search for and/or replace the text in Studio.
Find Results-Display the results of the find operation.
Error list-Open the error viewer to view the error messages.

Tools Menu

The tools menu contains operations, such as theme and other options.

The menu options are described in the table below:

Menu Option           Shortcut Key        Description
Theme-Set the Standard or Metro theme in the Studio. It also displays the screen-scale to minimize or maximize the Studio window, when needed.

Cloud Menu

The Cloud menu contains operations, such as connecting to Imagimob cloud and managing the cloud accounts.

The menu options are described in the table below:

Menu Option           Shortcut Key        Description
Connect to Imagimob CloudCtrl + Shift + CLog into the cloud services to connect to the Imagimob cloud.
Manage Cloud Accounts-Manage cloud accounts such as add, edit or delete cloud accounts.

Window Menu

The Window menu consists of menu-items to change the layout of the user interface for arranging and displaying the Studio window.

The menu options are described in the table below:

Menu Option           Shortcut Key        Description
Documents-Display the active windows and documents in Studio.
Cascade-Cascade all active windows in Studio.
Tile Horizontally-Arrange all active windows as horizontal tiles in Studio.
Tile Horizontally-Arrange all active windows as vertical tiles in Studio.
Close All documents-Close all active documents in Studio.
Close All but pinned documents-Close all active except pinned documents in Studio
Toggle FullscreenF11Switch Studio to fullscreen mode
Save Window Layout-Save the window layout in Studio
Load Window Layout-Load the window layout in Studio
Reset Window Layout-Reset the window layout in Studio

Help Menu

The Help menu display information, such as Online documentation, Imagimob Site, About IMAGIMOB Studio.

The menu options are described in the table below:

Menu Option           Shortcut Key        Description
Online documentationF1Access the Imagimob Studio developer documentation.
Open Start page-Open the welcome page of Studio.
Imagimob Site-Access the Imagimob Studio product website.
Join us on Social Media-Follow Imagimob on social media platforms.
About Imagimob Studio-Display information about version, copyright information, and third party licenses.
Privacy Settings-Display the Imagimob Experience Improvement window that enhance your user by collecting data about the usage of the Imagimob software.