Studio Project File
A Studio Project file is the representation of the project containing the essential tools and resources to streamline the workflow of developing a machine learning model. In Classic UX projects, every project directory contains a project file with extension (.improj).

The Project file is segmented into the following tabs to facilitate the machine learning workflow:
Data: This tab provides the functionality to access and manage datasets by adding new data, annotating data, and viewing data statistics. To know more, refer to Overview of Data Tab.
Preprocessor: This tab allows you to apply various preprocessing techniques to prepare your data for modeling. To know more, refer to Preprocessing.
Training: This tab provides the tools and functions to build and train the machine learning model on the project dataset. To know more, refer to Generating model.
Settings: This tab allows you to use custom units in your project. To know more, refer to Creating custom layers or functions.
Each tab is designed to represent the main stages of a machine learning project, guiding you through end-to-end machine learning workflow.